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Hometown Ajikobo Agri “Handmade Sausage Class” Furusato Ajikoubou Agri Tezukuri Sausage

making sausage
making sausage

It was established with the slogan of delivering safe and fresh agricultural and livestock products grown in this area. We make sausages using Tamaki pork, a local specialty. This is a popular hands-on class where you can enjoy the fun and deliciousness of homemade crafts all at once.

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Detailed information

4254-1 Tamakimachihara TamakiTown 519-0438
telephone number
0596-58-8686 (Furusato Aji Kobo Agri)
business hours
Wednesday (the next day if Wednesday is a holiday)
*There may be temporary closures.
Sausage and bread making classes available
Please check the official website for details.
Access by car

10 minutes by car from Ise Expressway “Tamaki IC”


Yes (100 units)


can be

*Prices are subject to change, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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