Ojai, a scenic spot located in Kuki-cho, a fishing village in OwaseCity is a spot known only to locals. It was originally known as a great fishing ground, but in recent years, local volunteers have constructed roads and it has become more well-known. It stands out between Owase's ria coastline...
In the fallow fields south of Seki Station, cosmos flowers are in full bloom from early to mid-October. They are natural growths from seeds grown last year, so they are small in size but still enjoyable. After your walk, you can stop by the Michi-no-eki Sekijuku for a break and some shopping. The cosmos flowers for 2024...
Onigajo is a large rock wall created by uplift from earthquakes, weathering, and wave erosion. In addition to being designated as a national scenic spot and natural monument, it is also registered as a World Heritage Site as part of the "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes of the Kii Mountain Range." There is a promenade for about 1 km on the rock wall, with countless large and small...
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*The order of popularity is the order of popularity within the sightseeing spots in Mie.
鳥羽小浜温泉 あわらぎの宿 浜離宮
Ise Shima
Tasty hot spring inn: Suzuki Annex
An inn with natural hot springs and cuisine.
元祖うに飯の宿 かどや
民宿 大漁亭
民宿 庄栄
Material Inn Kamesan
活魚料理の旅館 弁天
海上料亭 海楽園
伊勢志摩情緒たっぷりの味な宿。窓を開けると真下に海、そして「三ツ島」が浮かぶ風光明媚で穏やかな小浜湾の景色を一望。潮の香りとともに心地よい波の音の中ゆったりお寛ぎ下さい。窓を開け浴衣姿でのんびり太公望! 部屋から釣りができる「座敷釣り」は当館ならではの名物。(貸しざお/エサ付要予約) 海水温泉露天風呂は貸切もできます。また、季節により食べ放題プランもあるのでお問い合わせください。
Hotel Ijikaso
The view from the inn is spectacular, and you can see the ocean of Ise Bay from anywhere in the hotel. If you open the window, you can hear the sound of the waves, and depending on the season, you can see Ama diving at the fishing grounds below. You can enjoy hot springs gushing out from within the grounds in the large public bath or the free private family bath.
お料理の宿 海女の郷
竜宮料理の宿 伝洋
ペンション ドルフィン
Handmade workshop Kirari
Toba antenna shop. Here you can make your own original works such as cell phone straps and bracelets (both with pearls), mini planters, and light stands using shells.
倭姫命が天照大神の鎮座の地を求めて立ち寄り、この岬で鎧をはずしたことから「鎧崎」と命名された美しい岬。 昔から海の難所として知られています。
大山の山頂付近の日当たりのいい南斜面を中心に丈の低い紅ツゲが群生しており、真冬になると紅色や茶褐色に紅葉する。 特に秋から冬にかけ寒暖差が激しい年は色鮮やかで、澄んだ青い空や海とのコントラストも美しい。 市の天然記念物。
食いしん坊の湯宿 望洋
伊勢えび、あわびといった三重を代表する食材を使った豪快海幸会席が自慢。 お風呂は大浴場、庭園露天風呂、足湯、貸し切り風呂と種類も充実。 榊原温泉の汲み湯を使用しているので、お肌もツルツルに。
海辺の宿 まるさん
自家養殖の浦村カキを焼いて一年中提供しています。 伊勢志摩国立公園の真ん中。パールロード入り口の麻生浦大橋の袂。自家養殖の浦村かきをご賞味下さい。
情景の宿 あづま
Thanks to your inn, Suisen Nishimuraya
Relax in a private bath with a panoramic view of Matoya Bay, and enjoy the fresh seafood of Ikizukuri and the original octopus rice, a specialty of Taketako. Enjoy a moment of peace for both body and mind with fisherman's cuisine that comes with spiny lobster.
四季の味舞台 かんえい
民宿旅館 丸万
星海幽月 夢遊華
名物磯船料理 民宿おくのせこ