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Casual Restaurant Castanet Casual Restaurant Castanet

Casual Restaurant Castanet
Casual Restaurant Castanet
Casual Restaurant Castanet
Casual Restaurant Castanet
Casual Restaurant Castanet
Casual Restaurant Castanet

We offer weekly pasta and seasonal menus.

This is an Italian restaurant where everyone from children to grandparents can enjoy their meals.
Our popular lunch set includes pasta, salad, baguette, drink, and small dessert at a great value.
Please check back weekly as the content changes every week.

Shusi hamburger steak with 200g of patty placed on a griddle is popular!
Knead the coarsely ground mince to preserve the texture of the meat, then fry it in a frying pan to get a crispy surface!Put it in the oven to seal in the juices inside.
Please enjoy this juicy hamburger steak whose meat juices spill out from between the cuts.

You can view and edit the sightseeing route (My Plan on My Page) that will take you around the selected spots.


Detailed information

113 SuzukaCity 19-38 Nakaejimacho, Suzuka 510-0236
telephone number
059-387-8890 (カジュアルレストラン カスタネット)
business hours
11:00~15:00(L.O14:30), 18:00~21:00(L.O20:30)
Tuesdays (open only for lunch on holidays)

24 communal spaces available

*Prices are subject to change, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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