Ojai, a scenic spot located in Kuki-cho, a fishing village in OwaseCity is a spot known only to locals. It was originally known as a great fishing ground, but in recent years, local volunteers have constructed roads and it has become more well-known. It stands out between Owase's ria coastline...
In the fallow fields south of Seki Station, cosmos flowers are in full bloom from early to mid-October. They are natural growths from seeds grown last year, so they are small in size but still enjoyable. After your walk, you can stop by the Michi-no-eki Sekijuku for a break and some shopping. The cosmos flowers for 2024...
Onigajo is a large rock wall created by uplift from earthquakes, weathering, and wave erosion. In addition to being designated as a national scenic spot and natural monument, it is also registered as a World Heritage Site as part of the "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes of the Kii Mountain Range." There is a promenade for about 1 km on the rock wall, with countless large and small...
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*The order of popularity is the order of popularity within the sightseeing spots in Mie.
Diving Woman's Inn Hyosuke
Ama diver's inn in osatsu.
Ise Shima
海幸の宿 なかよし
Minamitoba Resort Hotel Senosaki
和造りの料理と湯の宿 かず美
あったか民宿 さわ栄
Iheyaso, a guesthouse that prides itself on its cuisine
You can enjoy Matoya Bay in front of you, the boatman as the host, the fresh seafood that only Iheyasou can offer, and the many dishes we are proud of and prepared with heart.
食彩の湯宿 冨久家
旅館 潮美館
海女の料理民宿 あおやま荘
三重県相差にある「民宿 あおやま荘」は、田舎の家に帰ってきたかのような、アットホームな料理宿です。
渚の宿 さひち
料理民宿 かしま
料理の宿 銀鱗
民宿 北川
漁師の宿 のいち
新鮮味覚の宿 民宿 兵次屋
民宿旅館 山川
潮騒の宿 山海荘
あわびと伊勢エビのお宿 たまや
旬の味覚を大切に郷土料理と自然食を折衷させた港町ならではの迫力の料理のお宿。 お泊まりコースはいずれも伊勢海老活け造り付。
Sasaki Guest House
Fresh seafood dishes that can only be found at an ama inn.
海辺の宿 うえじ
海の幸とやすらぎの宿 海月
女性の願いを一つ叶えてくれると人気の「石神さん」まで徒歩すぐ! 豪快船盛と海の見える展望露天風呂の宿。 漁師町ならではの新鮮な魚介類をお楽しみください。