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Iga Kumihimo Iga Kumihimo

Iga kumihimo
Iga kumihimo
Iga kumihimo
Iga kumihimo
Iga kumihimo
Iga kumihimo

Iga Kumihimo is known for its hand-braided cord made from pure silk, and accounts for most of the country's production. Its origins are said to date back to before the Nara period. In the Edo period, Iga was already a famous braided cord production area.

Kumihimo is a braided cord made of raw silk, silk thread, mainly gold and silver thread, and woven into a delicate and beautiful cord using a traditional kumihimo stand. It is a nationally designated traditional craft.

Shops where you can buy kumihimo
・Iga Traditional Tradition Museum Iga Kumihimo Kumihimo Village

・The shop of the original IgaKumihimoBraids Tokusaburo Hirosawa

・ IgaKumihimoBraids specialty store “Kumihimo Hirai”

Detailed information

116-2 IgaCity 518-0873
telephone number
0595-23-8038 (伊賀伝統伝承館 伊賀くみひも 組匠の里内 三重県組紐協同組合)

*Prices are subject to change, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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