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Matoya Kaki

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Oyster purification
Freshly caught oysters
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Oyster purification
Freshly caught oysters

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Oysters produced in Matoya Bay, one of the coves on the Shima Peninsula, take advantage of the plankton-rich fishing environment, and in order to ship oysters in one year that would be cultivated for two to three years in other prefectures, oysters are grown in one year. Oysters with a strong sweet taste and less astringency are produced.
Additionally, the drooping oysters are pulled out of the sea about a month before shipping, placed one by one in a basket, and then reared again for about a month, resulting in oysters with good texture and uniformity.
Oysters, known as the "milk of the sea," contain almost all nutrients in a well-balanced manner, containing all essential amino acids, rich in the carbohydrate glycogen, and evenly containing minerals and vitamins. Oysters are shipped directly to restaurants, hotels, etc. all over the country, and because of their high reputation for quality, they fetch higher prices than oysters produced elsewhere.

[Regarding inns and shops where you can eat and purchase Matoya oysters in Mie Prefecture]
▼ ShimaCity Tourism Association  ▼Sato Aquaculture Farm...etc.

Detailed information

telephone number
059-224-2395 (三重県農林水産部フードイノベーション課)

*Prices are subject to change, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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