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Dokura Falls

Dokura Falls
Dokura Falls

With a drop of over 20 meters, the huge waterfall basin has a large amount of water, and the water depth is deep, demonstrating the awesomeness of waterfall food.
The water is cool and is a place of relaxation for mountain climbers in the summer.

Detailed information

Osugi, OdaiTown Taki-gun
telephone number
0598-84-1050 (OdaiTown Tourism Association)
Access by public transportation

JR Kisei Main Line, take the town bus from Misetani Station for 63 minutes and get off at the last stop, Osugi.
180 minutes walk to the trailhead

Access by car

75 minutes by car from Kisei Expressway Omiya/Odai Interchange
(To the parking lot in front of the trailhead) Then, walk for about 5 minutes to the trailhead.

*Prices are subject to change, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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