Tourism Mie vol.109 Winter 2019 issue

It is an ancient temple that was the base of a mountain religion where monks and soldiers gathered for profit, and it is said to have been built by Denkyo Daishi. Nowadays, many people visit the temple to deliver origami cranes as a temple for marriages wishing for good marriage. 02Mitakeji Temple KomonoTown ■TEL059-392-2670 ■From Kintetsu Yunoyama Onsen Station, Mie Kotsu Bus Yunoyama Onsen ・ GozaishoRopeway Get off in front of the bus and walk for about 20 minutes * No parking lot ■ TEL 059-225-4013 ■ From JR / Kintetsutsu Station, get off at Mie Kotsu Bus Kyoguchi Tachimachi, about 2 minutes on foot 1/1 (Wednesday / holiday) ~ 7 (Tuesday) An annual lucky lottery is held. In addition, at the Setsubun Festival on Monday, February 3rd, the sprinkling of lucky beans to ward off evil will be served by the attendees of the amulet. 01 TadoTaishaShrine Tado Taisha KuwanaCity ■TEL0594-48-2037 ■ About a 20-minute walk from Tado Station on the Yoro Railway, Kitaise Daijingu IseJingu, which is the chief deity of the Kyoko area, enshrines Naiku, which enshrines Amaterasu-Omikami, the general god of the Japan people, who can be compared to the sun, and Toyouke-no-Omikami, who controls food, clothing, housing, and industry Geku It consists of 125 shrines. When you enter the sanctuary, where the activities of 2,000 years ago when Amaterasu-Omikami was enshrined are still going on, your body and mind will be tightened and you will feel pure. 12 IseJingu [Geku ・ Naiku] IseCity ■TEL0596-24-1111 (Jingu Priests) ■[Naiku] From JR/Kintetsu IseCity Station, or Kintetsu Ujiyamada Station, take the Mie Kotsu Bus, Naiku Get off in front [Geku]JR/Kintetsu IseCity A 10-minute walk from the station, from Tuesday, December 31 to the early morning of Sunday, January 5, you can visit the temple all day long to welcome the new year, and a Shinto ceremony will be held on Sunday, December 8 to stretch the five lines of the Great Rope along with the song of the woodcutter. In addition, at the Setsubun Festival on Monday, February 3rd, after the festival at the main shrine, a Shinto ceremony will be held to exorcise evil spirits and attract good fortune by sowing beans on the some stage. 11 Futamiokitama-JinjaShirine IseCity ■TEL0596-43-2020 ■JR FutamiuraBeach A 15-minute walk from the stationA shrine famous for its prayers for marriage, nicknamed "Tenjin Mr./Ms.", is a shrine that benefits scholarship and literature. It is said that MatsuoBasho dedicated his first collection of poems, "Kai Ohohi", and prayed for good luck. 07Sugawara Shrine (Tenjin Mr./Ms.) IgaCity ■TEL0595-21-2940 ■ 5 minutes walk from Uenoshi Station on the Iga Railway, a hot spring with benefits for academic achievement and prayer for passing oaki The main deity is worshipped as the chief deity. On Tuesday, February 11, the "Yutachi Shinto Ceremony (Onyu)" is held, in which worshippers are sprinkled with hot water with kumazasa and prayed for the safety of the family. 06 yagami Shazu City ■ TEL 059-252-1024 ■ About 20 minutes by car from Ise Road "Hisai IC", an ancient shrine in the forest dedicated to the god of hot springs and a shrine in the Enki ceremony. In addition to the keystone for earthquake protection, one of Japan's three major bells, the "Insect Eating Bell" and the "Mizukake Catfish" are also famous. On New Year's Eve, the bell rings for the night and the lion dance kagura is dedicated. 09Omura Shrine IgaCity ■TEL0595-52-1050 ■About a 10-minute walk from Kintetsu Aoyamacho StationThe ceiling of the main hall, which gathers worshippers as an "earthquake guardian," is inlaid with 156 ceiling paintings depicting animals and flowers. From 11 p.m. on New Year's Eve, those who wish to do so will ring the bell for the end of the night. At the New Year's prayer (0:00 a.m. on New Year's Day ~), the first 20 people will receive a protective arrow. 10 Toko yagami Miyadera MatsusakaCity ■TEL0598-43-2228 ■ About 10 minutes by car from Isedo "Ichishi Ureshino IC" Ancient Ancient Mountains with a rare painted ceiling The bell rings on New Year's Eve, and from New Year's Day to 1/3 (Friday), the first prayer of the new year is held. On Monday, February 3rd, prayers and bean sowing for the Setsubunkai Star Festival will be held. 08 Iga Naritasan Todaiji Temple Iga Bessho Shindaibutsuji Temple IgaCity ■TEL0595-48-0211 ■ About 40 minutes by Mie Kotsu bus from Uenoshi Station on the Iga Railway, get off at Naritasan Mae, and walk for about 3 minutes QuestionSpiritual experience Iga's power spotOn New Year's Eve, there are lights up and amazake behavior, and the first 107 worshippers can ring the bell for the night. On Monday, February 3rd, "Demon Suppression Setsubun" will be held to pray for the safety of the year and the protection of evil. 04Tsu Kannontsu One of the three Kannon in Japan, the ancient temple 1/7 (Tuesday) is a doll Thanksgiving Festival, shimenawa grilling, and the first ebisu is held on the 10th (Friday). In addition, a plum festival is held from mid-February. In addition to about 300 weeping plum trees, you can enjoy about 80 plum blossoms of 10 types. 05 Yuki Shrine Tsu City ■ TEL 059-228-4806 ■ From JR Kintetsutsu Station, get off at Mie Kotsu Bus Yuki Shrine Mae Immediately inquire and inquire about the famous place of weeping plums, and the New Year's Day festival will be held from 0:00 am on New Year's Day. On Monday, February 3rd, the Setsubun Festival will be held for sowing beans. There is a "Kanae Waterfall" that is said to make your wish come true if you wait for a photo. 03 TsubakiGrandShrine SuzukaCity ■TEL059-371-1515 ■ 2 km by car from the new Meishin "Suzuka PA Smart IC" Mr./Ms. to enshrine the god of chibiki, Sarutahiko Okami, is a lottery Tsubaki Okami Yashirotsu Kannon Yuuki Jinja Iyama Jinja Futami Okita Majinjai Se Jingu Geku Nakusu ga Warajinja Tenjin Shin Dai Daitsuji Omura Jinja Toko Zanjin Guuji Photo Courtesy 0102030609070810111215161417181920139 Jingu Priest Profit Tour Hina-sama Tour Starry Sky Observation 81012411335672040511125436 Takada Motoyama Senshuji Temple KomonoTown P2PickUp! → You can also see the "Profit Tour" on the Mie Prefecture Tourism Federation website "Tourism Mie".

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