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I went to the Kumano Fireworks Festival with Shiho, who is known for ``I want to see it before I die! The most spectacular views in the world''! [Interview date: August 2018]


I went to the Kumano Fireworks Festival with Shiho, the scenic view producer of the “I want to see it before I die! World’s Spectacular Views” series! There are plenty of spectacular fireworks to see, including the Sanshakutama Suicide Bomber and Onigajo 's large-scale ``Colored Senringiku'' fireworks! We will introduce the charm of the Kumano Fireworks Festival, including Twitter and Instagram posted by Shiho.

Among the fireworks festivals held in Mie Prefecture, the Kumano Fireworks Festival is one of the most popular.
Shichirimihama, the venue for the fireworks festival, is filled with many fireworks visitors, and many cruise ships are anchored on the sea, allowing visitors to enjoy the spectacular fireworks display.

It was also introduced in the 5th installment of the ``Scenic Views of the World I Want to See Before I Die!'' series, ``New Japan Edition,'' by scenic producer Shiho, and they became known as ``scenic fireworks'' in both name and reality.

Shiho will report on what happened when she came to see the Kumano Fireworks Festival!
(August 2018)

On the day of the fireworks festival on August 17th, we left Tokyo early in the morning and arrived at JR KumanoCity Station just after 11am.
First, we will guide you to Shichirimihama, which will be the venue.

After having lunch, we headed to MaruyamaSenmaida, a scenic spot that Kumano is proud of.

Last time we visited MaruyamaSenmaida, it was winter, so this is the first time we have seen the Senmaida with its waving ears of rice.

After admiring the view of MaruyamaSenmaida, take a short break at the nearby Michi-no-eki ``Kumano Itaya Kurobee no Sato.''
It is a shiny Michi-no-eki that was just opened in April 2018.

After that, we toured the ruins of the mines in Kiwa, and finally got ready for the fireworks display!

The Kumano Fireworks Festival is very popular among photography enthusiasts. This spot where you can capture the world heritage site Shishiiwa and fireworks at the same time is crowded with photographers every year!

Now, the Kumano Fireworks Festival is finally starting!
Originally, fireworks were set off as a memorial service for the first spirit of Obon, so fireworks are still included in the program of fireworks displays today.

Kumano's fireworks are set off from various points on the sea, so one of the attractions is that they don't fit in your field of vision.
You can move your head from side to side and fully enjoy the fireworks spreading before your eyes.

Then, in the second half of the fireworks display, the highlight, the "Sanshakudama Maritime Suicide Bomb", finally appears!
A three-shaku ball weighing a whopping 250 kg will be exploded at sea. Every year, it is a tradition for all fireworks customers to count down to the explosion.

Anyway, Shiho posted a video of the huge and impressive "Sanshakutama Maritime Suicide Explosion" on Twitter, so please take a look.

This is what it looks like when you take a photo, but it's hard to convey the power of this Sanshakudama Maritime Suicide Bomb in photos or videos!
For those who have never been to the Kumano Fireworks Festival, we highly recommend coming to this venue to experience it for yourself!

After the Sanshakudama Maritime Suicide Destruction, it's finally the finale, Onigajo big trick "Iwagashira no Todoroki".
The fireworks launched from Onigajo, a world heritage site, are so powerful because the sound reverberates in the cave!

What photographers are most interested in is the colored chrysanthemums in this program.
These fireworks were also introduced in the article ``I want to see them before I die! Spectacular views around the world - New Japan edition''.
It takes just a moment, but as the name suggests, the colorful fireworks spread across the sky, making it look like a jewel box turned upside down in the night sky!

Shiho also uploaded a wonderful image to Instagram in the middle of the night!

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…17th Aug 2018…  撮れたての絶景をお届け “Freshly-taken-photo” for you   300年以上の歴史を誇る #熊野大花火大会 を見に行ってきました。 開催場所は、なんと世界遺産なんです!!!  I visited Kumano Fireworks festival today. This festival is held at a world heritage sites in Kumano-city!! Can you see the silhouette of the rock on the left side? It’s “Shishiiwa(lion shaped rock)” which is a part of Wordl heritage sites.  写真の左手にうっすら写っているシルエットは、 まるで獅子が吠えているように見える「獅子岩」。 写真の下方で観客が座っているのは「七里御浜」。 いずれも熊野の世界遺産です。 (見えない方はスマホ画面を明るくして見てね)  この海上に花火が打ち上げられ、 爆発音が岩肌に辺り、 またそこから爆音&振動として跳ね返ってくるのです! ずっと口開けっ放しで歓声上げて見てたけど(笑)、喉の奥が震える感じがしてたな〜〜〜。  先祖供養のために始まったこの花火大会は、 そのプログラムが超ユニークでバリエーション豊か  クライマックスである「鬼ヶ城大仕掛け」は カラフルで小粒の花火が一気に開花して、可憐で美しい!!! プロの方々に教えていただいたタイミングで撮影したら その色鮮やかな光景を収めることができました  他の花火の写真はまたUPしますのでお楽しみに   本日お世話になった皆様、本当にありがとうございました! @amanogawaranpo @rikizo_kitagawa @kankomie    17th Aug 2018 熊野大花火大会/三重県 熊野市 #kankomie Kumano Fireworks festival /Kumano-city, Mie, Japan    ©詩歩/Shiho

詩歩/Shiho (死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景)さん(@shih0107)がシェアした投稿 -

By the way, after fireworks are launched from Onigajo, the fireworks can catch on to trees and cause a forest fire, but this is also a regular feature of the Kumano Fireworks Festival.
The final promise was that after all the programs were finished, everyone would wave their smartphones to express their gratitude to the fireworks masters on the sea.
The sight of Shichirimihama being filled with lights from waving smartphones is quite a sight!

By the way, the first time Shiho came to Kumano was to photograph the starry sky seen from Onigajo.
It wasn't well known even to the locals, but if the conditions are right, you can see a truly spectacular starry sky!
Here is the Instagram that was uploaded at that time. This photo was even used as a business card design for Mie Prefectural Office staff!

Regarding Shiho's photoshoot this time, local photographers Rikizo Kitagawa (@rikizo_kitagawa) and Ranpo Amanogawa (@amanogawaranpo) provided assistance with securing the location and attending during the shoot. We received a great deal of cooperation.
Ranpo Amanogawa posted a wonderful photo of the day with a starry sky on his Instagram, so I would like to introduce it to you.

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熊野大花火2018 題して 獅子岩海上自爆星空写真 この花火大会には思いが込められています。 亡くなられた方の花火に突然に流星群が流れたり 怒りの山火事起きたり 凄い花火です。 壮絶な画角合戦の画角には不満も有りますが 広大な花火を1枚に収めるには 全周魚眼!! 何より楽しい仲間と過ごせた事が 一番よかつたです。 タグ付け漏れたらすみません。 気づいた方連絡下さい。 スペシャルサンクス(順不同) @shunsuke_kunimitsu @teru.ri @rikizo_kitagawa @namo_i @manabe470204 @shingo_camera @latty_photo1 @yy.o_o @k_aug23 @shih0107 @kankomie @nob @jan69tys @may1228maho #三重 #三重県 #kankomie #PHOS_JAPAN #Loves_Nippon #ptk_japan #wu_japan #IG_JAPAN #japan_daytime_view #jp_gallery #IGersJP #bestjapanpics #熊野花火 #熊野花火大会2018 #千輪菊 #熊野大花火大会 #熊野花火 #獅子岩 #彩色千輪菊 @visitmie #visitmie #japantravelphoto

天野川 乱歩さん(@amanogawaranpo)がシェアした投稿 -

And, Shiho posted a summary of the day's events at the Kumano Fireworks Festival on her Instagram stories!
Instagram @shih0107: Stories jpMie

By the way, the second half of the story is about Osugidani Valley, which I visited the day after the Kumano Fireworks Festival.
The interview report will be uploaded later, so please look forward to it!

Thank you, Shiho-san, for coming to the Kumano Fireworks Festival!

[Information on spots visited with Shiho]
Michi-no-eki “Kumano/Itaya Kurobei no Sato”
Kumano Fireworks Festival

*Added in September 2019

Shiho used photos of the Kumano Fireworks Festival in the 2020 edition of ``I want to visit before I die! Japan edition of the world's spectacular views'' that she produces every year!
Please try displaying it in your room.

Shiho's "I want to visit before I die! Spectacular views around the world" series includes many other spectacular views of Mie Prefecture, so please pick them up and enjoy them!

○ “I want to go there before I die! Spectacular views of the world
~The tunnel of light at “Nabananosato” is featured.

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...Jan 2015... . . 「tunnel of light」 taken in NabananoSato in Mie, Japan. . This romantic illumination has become very popular in asian tourists. I imagine lots of people lush to this event this winter. . My recommendation is the lightning up event of this tunnel . I uploaded the movie of that lightning up event on Youtube, please check it out!!! ↓ ↓ ↓ . If you have youtube app, you can search this keyword "Shiho Zekkei Tunnel of light " . なばなの里で2015年に撮影した #光のトンネル 。 海外でも超話題になってるから、今年も増えてるんだろうなぁ〜! . 光のトンネルを楽しむための私のオススメは、点灯するタイミングに行くこと!!! なんとトンネルの柵の最前列にいた人の中から、じゃんけんで勝った人が、光のトンネルを点灯できるんだよ!すごくない? . ・・・まあ、私は負けましたけどね…。。。 #お決まりのやつ . その点灯式の様子など、Youtubeで動画もUPしてるのでぜひ見てください ↓ ↓ ↓ . ✿Youtubeで「詩歩 なばなの里」とぐぐると一番上にHITします . 豪雪予想の明日、みなさんはいかがお過ごしの予定ですか? わたしは東北に行く予定…なので、InstagramStorysぜひチェックしてくださいね☆ . ©Shiho/詩歩

詩歩/Shiho (死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景)さん(@shih0107)がシェアした投稿 -

○ “I want to go there before I die! Spectacular views from around the world, Japan edition”
~Kizuro in KumanoCity is featured.

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