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The painted ceiling of Katada Inari Shrine is spectacular! Introducing a shrine where the vermilion torii gate and the blue sea harmonize


Katada Inari Shrine, located along the coast of ShimaCity, has a beautiful painted ceiling. The series of vermilion torii gates has recently become a hot topic for being Instagrammable, so I'd like to introduce it in detail.

Katada Inari Shrine is located in Katada, a district on the Shima Peninsula in the central eastern part of Mie Prefecture that flourished with its fishing industry.
It was built by local residents nearly 400 years ago and is still carefully preserved by the local people. The shrine's beautiful, bright vermilion torii gate is not only appealing from its exterior. We will introduce you to Katada Inari Shrine, which you will love once you know about its benefits for maritime safety, works of art, and the warmth of handmade crafts.

Katada Inari Shrine is said to have blessings for maritime safety, but its origins began when a white fox was enshrined in response to snakes and pit vipers that became enemies of agriculture.
It is said that fishermen began to visit the shrine in large numbers due to the prosperity of the fishing industry, which produced fish and pearls. What has now been replaced with a stone wall, used to be a hill with pine trees planted as a windbreak, and it is said that fishermen could see the state of the sea that day.

There are seven shrines at Katada Inari Shrine.
First, let's visit the main shrine. Since it is an Inari shrine, you will be greeted by a sharp fox statue. Two bows, two claps, one bow.

Inside the main hall, there is a ``pictured ceiling'' that is one of the highlights.
It is said that the painter Nomura Sansai visited this area to take his sick wife to see a famous doctor, and together with his disciples he painted and dedicated these paintings.

The painting of bright vermilion flowers is said to be the work of Nomura Nansai himself.
Even after hundreds of years, the beautiful colors that still captivate people's hearts are amazing.

There are also portraits of lucky people. Is it Hotei from the Seven Lucky Gods?

If you wish to admire the painted ceiling, please visit the shrine office on the premises and speak to the person in charge of its management. Katada Inari Shrine does not have a resident chief priest, but local people take turns taking turns every 10 years to maintain and maintain the shrine.
If the company office is unmanned, you can call the phone number written there and they will come to you.

A photo taken more than 50 years ago is displayed inside the main shrine with a painted ceiling. It was a big catch of plump and delicious-looking yellowtail.
Nowadays, fishermen and people working at sea still come to pray for safety at sea, even though they no longer catch such large amounts of fish.

When you go out of the main shrine and go down the small stairs on your left, turn around and look at the roof, and you'll see tiles shaped like dolls.
This is Urashima Taro riding on the back of a sea turtle. The expression is dignified!

If you shift your gaze to the right, you will also see Otohime-sama of Ryugu.
The silhouette that stands out against the blue sky looks like a page from a picture book. It is said that the reason why it is placed facing the village instead of facing the sea is because it is watching over the village.

Otohime and her maids are standing politely.
Is this scene when Urashima Taro is welcomed into Ryugu Castle?
Or is it when you are about to see it off?

This is the old main shrine.
It still remains on the left side of the main shrine.

It says "Kasuga-san". Inside the shrine, there is a deity with a rich expression.

This is "Tairyo-san".
It is located on top of Hiyoriyama, which fishermen used to climb to check the sea conditions that day. Currently, the stone walls are piled up and there are stairs, making it easy to climb. The view from here is amazing! After paying my respects to the god of fishing, I stayed at this place for a while looking at the ocean. It was quiet, the sea was beautiful, and it felt like I had traveled to another world.

There were many fox ornaments inside Mr. Konkon.
It seems that the foxes that were originally owned by people in the area are being dedicated to the shrine. I was fascinated by the many pairs of foxes that looked like they were about to start moving.

This is "Anagami-san" which is located further up the stairs where you can see the Ryugu Urashima tiles.
It is a small shrine. The sunlight filtering through the trees creates a magical atmosphere.

As soon as you go up the stone steps, Koyasu-san is on your right.

There are no goshuin stamps at Katada Inari Shrine, but if you ask, you can receive one with a stamp like this.

Similarly, sand can be given at the shrine office. It is said to be beneficial for various wishes, such as when you want to purify your mind and body, or for the safety of your surroundings. In some years, as many as 10,000 bags were awarded! 1 bag 100 yen.

When the weather is nice, you can see the Pacific Ocean like this.
How many people have prayed for good catches and safety from here? Before the war, there was a time when the Katada area was called ``America Village'' because it was an area where many people went overseas. When I think about the people who dream about the other side of the sea, the people who see them off, and the people who wait for their return, there is something that touches my heart.

On the way back, you will see the horizon on your right and a series of bright vermilion torii gates on your left.
It's a very beautiful and mysterious sight. Katada Inari Shrine, located by the sea, is a small and beautiful shrine with a deep history that makes you feel the warmth of its people. As you enter, you will find yourself in a space full of artistry. After praying, if you set up your camera and release the shutter, you are sure to capture some wonderful memories.

Why not travel from Ise to Shima and beyond to Katada and visit this shrine that has an affinity with the sea?

[Katata Inari Shrine]
Address 64 Katada, Shima-cho, Shima-ShimaCity, Mie Prefecture


● By car: Get off at the Ise IC on the Ise Expressway, take the Ise Road, and proceed to National Route 167.
From Ugata, head south on National Route 260 to Shima Town. The time required is approximately 1 hour.
If you are worried about mountain roads, after passing Ise IC, continue on the Daini Ise Road to Shiraki IC.
The journey takes approximately 1 hour, but it may take a little longer than if you took the Ise Road.
*There is no large parking lot and you will have to drive through a narrow road to get to the shrine entrance, so please be careful when driving.
●By public transportation From Ugata Station on the Kintetsu Toba Line or Shima Line, take the Mie Kotsu bus bound for Goza for approximately 30 minutes.
A short walk from Katada Inari-mae
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