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Summer afternoon tea online reservations accepted

Summer Afternoon Tea
Summer Afternoon Tea

[Reservation required/until 17:30 the day before]
※The image is an image.
*Depending on the date, the usage time may be limited to 2 hours. Please note.

A summer afternoon tea sprinkled with tropical fruits. Passion fruit chocolate terrine, melon shortcake, watermelon and coconut panna cotta, and more are on the menu. Japanese sweets include lemon agar with a hint of spices and ginger milk sorbet. Savory dishes include Matsusaka beef, spiny lobster, spiny tuna, Matsusaka pork, and other flavorful dishes.

Detailed information


June 1st (Sat) - August 31st (Sat), 2024

Time required


Name of facility

Cafe & Wine Bar “Lian”

Meeting place/experience place

Shima Kanko Hotel The Club 2F

731 Shinmei ShimaCity cho, Shima-shi 517-0502
telephone number
business hours

11:30-17:30 (cafe)


Closed: Wednesday


¥ 5,800

Access by public transportation

5 minutes walk from Kintetsu Kashijima Station (free shuttle bus available)

Access by car

About 40 minutes from Ise Expressway Ise Nishi IC towards Kashishima via Prefectural Route 32 (Ise Road)


can be

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